Friday, August 26, 2011


So yeah....I've been super busy these last couple weeks with school starting so my extra time has been occupied by sleeping, planning, reading, and Pinteresting :) I am hopefully going to be able to relax a little once I get into the groove of school! So needless to see there really hasn't been much cooking around here or crafting....that is until tonight! Tomorrow is my sisters birthday (WOOT WOOT) and I was given the task of making SWEET TREATS! I have been looking on Pinterest all week trying to figure out what kind of cupcakes to make! I will give you a little sneak peak and share more about them tomorrow when they are finished. I have also been working on a few crafts that I will share as well :)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, they were so delicious that I had to have one for breakfast today. Thanks so much for making them for the party!!!:)
